[博班] 113學年度第2學期博士班資格考公告
Cumulative Examinations 2024 Spring@R326 7:30pm
有機化學學程 Organic Chemistry |
2025/02/18(TUE) |
2025/03/11(TUE) |
2025/04/08(TUE) |
2025/05/13(TUE) |
無機化學學程 Inorganic Chemistry |
2025/02/18(TUE) |
Prof. Wang, Yu-Heng |
2025/03/11(TUE) |
Prof. Wu, Tien-Lin |
2025/04/08(TUE) |
Prof. Lin, Chia-Her |
2025/05/13(TUE) |
Prof. Liaw, Wen-Feng |
分析化學學程 Analytical Chemistry |
2025/03/17(MON) |
Chemical Separation |
2025/03/18(TUE) |
Instrumental Analysis |
材料化學學程 Materials Chemistry |
2025/03/17(MON) |
Synthesis and Application |
生物化學學程Biochemistry |
2025/03/24(MON) |
Biology Chemistry |
2025/03/25(TUE) |
Chemical Biology |
- 依課程會議決議:博士生需經指導教授同意後,方能參與該組資格考考試。
- 請於02月13日前至報名網址登記並上傳資格考組別確認書https://chem.site.nthu.edu.tw/var/file/328/1328/img/770/679834911.pdf
- According to the minutes of dept. course meeting, Phd students must take the qualifying exam under advisor’s confirmation.
- To attend the exams, please sign up and upload the confirmation form in the website before 13th Feb, 2025.
Registration website: https://forms.gle/iqLGq65d88KuXDbv9